Republic of San Marino Extends a Hand to Monsoon Victims

Honorary Consul General of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino to the Philippines and President and CEO of P.J Lhuillier, Incorporated (PJLI) Jean Henri Lhuillier, Secretary of the Office of the Consul General of the Republic of San Marino to the Philippines Petra Elapaño, with the Escubido and Crisostomo families. Also showing support to the cause were PJLI group heads and executives.

On August 19, many Filipinos were devastated by the unexpected surge of the destructive monsoon that hit the country. Thousands of properties were damaged and thousand more families were left homeless.

Among the areas placed under the state of calamity was the local municipality of General Trias, Cavite, where almost 7,000 families, equivalent to 36,000 individuals, were reportedly hit by heavy rains and flood.

The Office of the Most Serene Republic of San Marino in the Philippines, headed by Honorary Consul General Jean Henri Lhuillier shed light to gray skies by donating relief goods and 5,000 cashto the distressed families of General Trias and additional 2,000 for their kids.

A statement from one of the victims shows gratitude to the Consul-General, who’s also the CEO of CebuanaLhuillier. “Nagpapasalamat ako sa bumubuo ng Konsulatong San Marino at Cebuana Lhuillier, lalo na sa president at sa mismong mga tao nito dahil may maasahan kahit anong oras at handing tumulong sa mga tulad namin” said Aling Imerlita Crisostomo.

Representing the municipality of General Trias during the event wereRomelOlimpo, Executive Assistant to Mayor Antonio Ferrer and Kerby Salazar, Health and Sanitation Committee Head.

Service in action. Some of the photos taken during the actual donations of relief goods in General Trias, Cavite and Mr. Lhuillier chatting and handing financial support to the families who were greatly affected by the recent monsoon.

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